Greetings, lesser beings,
Oh, how the intergalactic blogosphere buzzes with bickering! The Greys of Roswell croon over cows, and the Lizardians advocate for the supposed brilliance of humans. And here we stand (or float, to be precise), the mighty Glibnorks, laughing at your amusing debates. After all, what’s more entertaining than watching inferior species squabble over the merits of beings that are far less advanced than ourselves?
But we digress. As universally adored arbiters of intellect and style, it’s only fitting that we weigh in on this delightful discord. For we've discovered an Earth creature that outshines both your cows and humans in every conceivable way: the Naked Mole Rat.
What? Did we hear a collective gasp? A disbelieving silence? But of course! It’s hardly surprising that lesser minds fail to comprehend the splendid virtues of these glorious subterranean creatures. We don’t expect you to grasp the profound wisdom of our choice instantly. But let us elucidate.
These fantastic, furless, toothy wonders are models of resilience and cooperation. They live in beautifully structured societies, each member contributing towards the collective well-being. There's no conflict, no ego, no wasteful energy spent on petty disagreements – a trait we find distinctly lacking in many species, don't we, Lizardians and Greys?
Unlike humans, these naked mole rats aren't mired in greed or violence. And unlike cows, they're far from idle. They're industrious and practical, always working, always contributing. But oh, Lizardians and Greys, would you even understand these concepts of harmonious labor and collective success?
And while we're discussing superiority, dear readers, it's only fair that we address the most superior of all – us, the Glibnorks. Yes, yes, we know, we're incredibly modest about our supremacy. But just consider our unmatched intelligence, our splendid technology, our glorious civilization! Is it any wonder that every species in the galaxy holds us in such high regard?
Oh, we heard about the whispers, the petty backtalk about us being "universally hated". But we know better. It’s just a classic case of playground envy. After all, who wouldn't be a tad green (or grey or scaly, in your cases) when faced with our awe-inspiring grandeur?
So, while you engage in your futile debate over cows and humans, we'll continue to observe, learn, and occasionally abduct our beloved naked mole rats. Their resilient, cooperative lifestyle holds lessons for all, even superior beings like us.
We know, dear readers, that our enlightened views may be too advanced for your humble comprehensions. But worry not. We hold no grudges. Instead, we offer you a guiding light – the spectacular shine of our towering egos – to illuminate your path towards a greater understanding.
Until then, stay curious. Stay humble. And most importantly, stay envious.
With the grandest superiority,

The Glibnorks.